Wednesday 8 September 2010

I found out this week about Lucy Cheseldine, a student from Cardinal Heenan and Notre Dame, who has written a blog for Guardian Leeds about becoming a writer and gaining work experience...

Colleagues tell me that Lucy is an amazing student who has produced and written a series of blogs for Radiowaves’ LsLive (supported by Find Your Talent). She has also been an active member of Leeds Young People’s Film Festival and did work experience at Mediafish. Lucy has got a place at Glasgow University studying English Literature and will be heading off to start her degree at the end of this week. The Guardian have said that she has already had 500 hits on her Guardian blog and colleagues would like to generate more for her if at all possible. Guardian Leeds have mentioned that they would like to give Lucy a chance to write more blogs off the back of this piece, so anything we can do to help from our end to give her an ‘extra push’ would be most appreciated. If you want to visit Lucy’s blog you can find it at

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