Monday 8 February 2010

This morning I attended the first ever joint meeting of the Going Up a League' and 'Narrowing the Gap' Boards of the Leeds Initiative...

Colleagues from the Leeds Initiative are working with groups across the city to develop a new vision for Leeds. They want to answer some fairly basic questions:

  • What do we want Leeds to be like in 2030?
  • What are the big themes and issues we need to address?
  • How do we put people at the heart of this work?
  • How do we cope with the increasing population?
  • How do we involve young people?
  • How do we address sustainability?
  • How do we address health and well-being?
  • How do we address equality and diversity?

This is a great theme for schools to explore with their children and young people who will be between 25 and 40 years old in 2030. I hope that every school in Leeds will get involved in this important piece of work through their school councils and their curriculum?

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