Saturday 18 July 2009

Colleagues have asked about the small school pilot we are planning...

The pilot will build on what we know works well and will make the greatest difference in our most disadvantaged communities. It is at a very early stage in it's development but will draw together outstanding elements from National Strategies, Extended Services, coaching, PE and school sports,the arts and Investment in Excellence and STEPS. It also builds on the KIPP ( Knowledge Is Power Programme ) approach that started in New York and is now operating across the United States.

The KIPP schools share a core set of operating principles known as the “Five Pillars”: High Expectations, Choice & Commitment, More Time, Power to Lead, and Focus on Results. We believe that a significant additional element for us here in Leeds is more time. KIPP students are in school learning for significantly more time than average students, typically from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, every other Saturday, and for three weeks during the summer. Rigorous teaching is balanced with extracurricular activities, experiential field lessons, and character development.

If you know someone rich who wants to help us fund this exciting initiative please let me know and if you want to find out more about KIPP schools you can visit the KIPP website at


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