Tuesday 28 April 2009

I received this e-mail from my colleague Tony Grayson who wanted me to know about the work a colleague was doing...

"Dear Chris, I expect you get more grumbling e-mails than ones of praise, but here's one of commendation regarding a member of your staff - Angela Cox. At the request of Angela, I have been acting as an additional governor for Allerton Bywater Primary since it went into special measures and the school is making great progress and should soon be satisfactory, moving onto good and before long outstanding. Angela sent me a card yesterday to say thank you for the extra time and effort that I have given the school and do you know it made my day. So often we just get on with the task as governors without any expectation of thanks and when we receive some lovely comments out of the blue it really does boost one's sense of having done a worthwhile job. As you must know, Angela is a such a nice person and I thought I would let you know how behind the scenes she works so hard at keeping up the moral of Ed. Leeds' volunteer army of governors. Regards, Tony."

Angela is a wonderful colleague and it is great to be told about the small acts of kindness colleagues do on a daily basis to thank, congratulate, reward and simply acknowledge the work people are doing in Leeds to release the magic. If everyone did it, the world would be a much happier and a much better place!

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