Friday 12 December 2008

Nina Jonsson, Deputy Headteacher at Nya Elementar in Stockholm sent me this after the visits we orgainsed for her team here in Leeds...

"Hi Allyn and Chris, Hope everything is fine with you!
Last Monday the teachers who visited Leeds in November presented their trip to the rest of the staff at school. From their presentation I can tell that they were very pleased with the school visits. They all came back to Stockholm with energy and new ideas. They were particularly impressed by Rodillian High School and their fantastic new school building. They also told me that both schools gave them such a great welcome and that they were treated like royalties:-)

Once again a huge thank you for organising the school visits. Make sure Morley and Rodillian know how extremely pleased my staff, including myself, are with the school visits. I have e-mailed Michael Cornfoot at Morley several times but according to my teachers, who spoke to him in November, he hadn't received my e-mails. Can you help me to get in touch with him somehow? We were talking about starting links between our schools and I would like to
talk to him about that. Finally, have a great Christmas! Regards, Nina."

It is wonderful to have colleagues from Stockholm over here to see the magic.


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