Friday 21 November 2008

I went to yet another STEPS celebration event this morning at Hollybush Primary School...

Hollybush is a wonderful building and with it's SILC base and Children's Centre is surely the future for primary education. It's a place where colleagues are doing great things while they wait for Danny Kenny, their new headteacher, to take up post after Christmas. The STEPS programmes here have been one of the real successes and some really wonderful women have had their lives changed by STEPS including four of the award winners at the recent Big STEPS event:
  • Rachel Wood who won the Education Leeds Award;
  • Jill Allen who won the Learning Communities Award;
  • Anna Travers who won the Extended Services Award;
  • Sarah Berry who won the FAST Team Facilitator of the Year Award.
I was really sorry that this was Dawn's last STEPS programme at Hollybush because the Bramley Sure Start funding has finished. Happily she is moving to Meanwood and I hope she will take the STEPS magic with her. I hope that we will get some photos of another brilliant celebration.

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