Friday 18 January 2008

I started the day early at Wetherby High School...

We want all our schools to be brilliant learning places where every learner is happy, healthy, safe and increasingly successful... whatever it takes! This raises a number of challenges for schools across Leeds:
  • How do you build and model strong and efffective learning-centred leadership?
  • How do you build consistently brilliant and highly effective teaching and learning ?
  • How do you create an offer that engages, inspires and stimulates your students and your learning team?
  • How do you coach the learning team to develop and improve their practice?
  • How do you coach the students to take ownership for their learning?
  • How do you create passionate engagement consistently across the learning community?

Andrea Barnes, Acting Headteacher, had asked me to come to meet with her Leadership Team. I also met with Damian Murray, Chair of Governors, who wanted to talk to me about governance, leadership, buildings and post-16. Wetherby High School is a satisfactory school according to our friends from OFSTED... a school with some great leaders doing some really effective work. Andrea, Damian and the Leadership Team are wrestling with the things all schools are searching for... how do you make it outstanding; spread the excellence, share the best practice and develop consistently great provision.

I don't get into enough secondary schools and it was a stimulating and refreshing start to the day. It would be interesting to hear how you think we can build brilliant!

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