Tuesday 3 July 2007

I started the day with breakfast at the Garforth Hilton...

I had breakfast with the Outer East Family of Schools headteachers. They are a great group who run some wonderful schools. We talked about communications, devolving resources to area teams and trusts.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this morning, Chris. Rather than add more to your 'to do list' I'm going to contact Dee Reid directly re: using the front page of LLN (which I suspect we all see several times a week) as a way of communicating key 'headlines' from Education Leeds to heads and schools. It would have much more 'reach' than Infobase. The Outer East FoS suggested this a few months ago, nothing came of it, and this is a way of following it up. It might help some of the communication issues we touched on this morning.

Chris Edwards said...

Thanks Peter I'll also speak to Dee about better ways to communicate with schools.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris - Dee has made real headway on this one, and has negotiated a way forward that should allow EL to deliver the news headlines from InfoBase Schools into the front page of the Leeds Learning Network portal through RSS feed. This should be in place for the new academic year.

She is also looking at other ways of improving our access to information including the suggestion about the 'three key things heads need to know this week'.