Thursday 19 April 2007

I went on to another fantastic primary school...

I had been invited to the Good Work Assembly at Hovingham Primary School where Janet Spence and her talented, brilliant, gorgeous and wonderful colleagues are releasing a very special kind of magic. They were also at the start of their OfSTED inspection!

I had been invited to present the Certificates to a group of wonderful mums who had completed theHealthy Cooks Course as part of a programme called the 'Feel Good Factor'. It was a six week course and clearly everyone had really enjoyed it and it had changed the way the mums were hopping and cooking for thei families. One of the mums told me that it was the first certificate she had ever received recognising her as successful learner... brilliant!

By the way OfSTED I think got this one wrong as well, I know standards are low and contextual value-added is only average but this is not a satisfactory school with some good features. Under Janets' passionate leadership this is a great school with some fabulous features... like the children, the learning team and the mums!

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