Thursday 1 March 2007

The Key Stage Three results are out today...

This is a great day for young people in Leeds. A day to celebrate their achievements at the end of Key Stage Three... at age 14 for those of you who are not yet converted. In Leeds:
  • 70% achieved Level 5+ in English (nationally 73%);
  • 75% achieved Level 5+ in Mathematics (nationally 77%);
  • 69% achieved Level 5+ in science (nationally 72%).

For those of you not into statistics, this means that 7 out of 10 of our 14 year olds have good levels of literacy skills and 3 out of 4 have good levels of numeracy skills... which is brilliant. We should celebrate our young people's achievments and the work of the talented teams across Leeds who have helped them achieve these results.

These results reflect real progress and a closing of the gap with other authorities. We are the highest performing of the core cities and perform in line with our statistical neighbours... and by the way City of Leeds (12th) and Cockburn(68th) were in the top 100 most improved schools in the country!

We are in no way complacent and there is much, much more to do but today must be a day to celbrate our young people's achievements and our schools.


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