Monday 29 January 2007

I was talking to my colleague Dirk Gilleard today about what makes a brilliant learning place... how do we define brilliant learning... what makes for a brilliant learning organisation. Dirk is a hugely talented colleague and, like me, he has spent a lot of his professional life exploring the nature of learning. Dirk's conclusions are very like mine... wherever and however you come at it the essential elements are the same... brilliant services, brilliant organisations, brilliant schools, brilliant classrooms and brilliant learning...
  • a totally positive culture and ethos;
  • real engagement and ownership;
  • really high expectations;
  • really high self-esteem;
  • a highly personalised offer;
  • powerful and focused coaching,
  • a strong nurturing approach;
  • focused assessment for learning,
  • really intelligent accountability;
  • a positive and stimulating learning environment.

Wherever you are the ground rules are the same... Is your learning place like this? If not, why not? Please let me know what you think?


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